中国化肥发展思路主要是受第二次全国土地调查(?年)结果。据悉,中国农田土壤严重缺磷(有效磷 无重力搅拌机 around%, phosphorus deficiency (~ mg / kg) in the area of about%, the proportion of area of soil zinc%。Soil 盘式搅拌机 phosphorus 牛粪有机肥烘干机 deficiency was once a major obstacle factors, which greatly promoted the development of China‘s phosphate fertilizer industry。But also because of the lack of a limiting factor of soil zinc, molybdenum, boron, sulfur and other trace elements inadequate attention。After many years of high
yielding planting and fertilizing, planting high coefficient crops, farmland nutrient of great 转股搅齿造粒机 change。According to the Ministry of Agriculture to monitor China’s current arable land available phosphorus content of the soil increased, reaching phosphorus richness, some years can not Phosphate Fertilizer。Excess phosphorus can induce the soil soil zinc, zinc uptake on Crop。
这些数据表明,多样化化肥品种的方向想高效,分化,功能开发等。。首先,物种多样性。作物和土壤缺啥补上的,而不是配方打天下。其次,营养全面的。氮,磷,钾作物必要的大量营养素,但钙,镁,硫,铁,锌,硼,铜,钼,硼和效果的其他微量元素也相当多,有机 - 无机粘合剂也应考虑,营养均衡的整体一个非常重要的作用高产。三,产品特点:一些化肥产品有虫害,干旱,霜冻,抗倒伏,抗重茬,土壤pH值调节的作用,等阻力。,寻找产品差异化。四,产品结构更合理。